Barry Friedman
Dr. Friedman received his Ph.D. degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the Ohio State University and his BA degree from the University of Rochester. He teaches Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management graduate and undergraduate courses. At the State University of New York, he earned recognition for research and teaching, including the President’s Award for Scholarly and Creative Activity, and the President’s Award for Teaching Excellence and served as a Fulbright Scholar to Germany. Dr. Friedman published over 100 journal articles and presentations about entrepreneurship, labor relations, organizational effectiveness, and employee satisfaction in Industrial Relations, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management Education, and various international journals. He is an Alpha Sigma Lambda honorary inductee, the continuing adult education honor society.
Dr. Friedman teaches and conducts research in the United States, Germany, Singapore, Turkey, China, and Japan. He has 25 years of industry experience at ExxonMobil, Xerox, and Harris Interactive where he served in various positions, including Director of Training and Development and Human Resource Manager.
- Courses
Human Resource StrategyLeading Health Care OrganizationsOrganizational Behavior
- Publications
Perceptions of Ethicality: The Role of Attire Style, Attire Appropriateness, and Context.2023Journal of Business EthicsVolume189Consumer Perceived Authenticity of Organizational Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Statements: A Test of Attribution Theory2021Social Responsibility Journal (In press)Issue4Volume18Discover wellness: A worksite wellness program for higher education2021Journal of Higher Education Theory and PracticeIssue10Volume21The Job Stress Intervention Matrix: A New Conceptual Framework for Higher Education in the Post-COVID World2021The BRC Academy Journal of Business (In Press)Issue1Volume11The power of social media: a showcase of behavioral change in the 2019 Algerian uprising2021International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence (in press).Modeling Occupational Stress and Well-Being as a Dynamic Phenomenon: It’s About Time. In Perrewé, P.L.; Halbesleben, J.R.B. & Rosen, C.C. Examining and Exploring the Shifting Nature of Occupational Stress and Well-Being2020Emerald Publishing House, UKVolume19The Guest Speaker Management Process2020BRC Journal of Advances in EducationIssue1Volume4The impact of social media on actual behavior in Sudan’s uprising2020International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing IntelligenceDrivers and obstacles of ethical fashion consumption. Book chapter in Eco Friendly and Fair-Fast Fashion and Consumer Behaviour2019Greenleaf PublishingEffective Governance, Female educational attainment, Leadership and Healthcare Outcomes2017Theoretical Economics LettersVolume7Instructor Satisfaction and Motivation in Online Teaching Environments: A Job Design Framework2017Journal of EducationIssue1Volume8Overall Injustice, Workplace Deviance and Turnover Intention among Educators and Supporters2017Journal of BusinessIssue1Volume7Latent Employee Turnover and Prevention: When Job Creation Catches Up with Economic Recovery2016Journal of BusinessIssue1Volume6Relating Self Discipline in Social Networking to Academic Performance among College Students2016. Journal of Strategic and International StudiesIssue1Volume11The impact of nonprofit organizations on the intent to visit Turkey: an empirical test using the Theory of Planned Behavior2015Place Branding and Public DiplomacyCompetency based team formation: an experiential exercise2014Journal of Humanities and Social SciencesIssue9Volume4The Relationship between Effective Governance and the Informal Economy2014International Journal of Business and Social ScienceIssue9Volume5Turkey as a Destination: A Study of Sensory Brand Associations2014Tourism, Culture & CommunicationIssue2Volume14In The Eye of the Beholder: The Relationship between Intern Effectiveness, Satisfaction, and Job Characteristics2013The BRC Academy Journal of EducationIssue1Volume3The Role of Nonprofits in the Process of Place Branding: A Case Study of Turkish Cultural Centers2013Dumlupinar University Journal of Social SciencesVolume38Balancing Environmental Sustainability with Economic Productivity2013Journal of BusinessIssue1Volume3Does the International MBA Employment Market Value Awareness of Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability?2012International Journal of Business and Social ScienceIssue24Volume3Social Motives as a Predictor for College Student Retention and Performance2012Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & PracticeIssue2011-2012Volume13(1)What Did You Ask? The Influence of Applicant Questions.2012Eastern Academy of ManagementThe Impact of Social Networks on Behavioral Change: A Conceptual Framework2012World Review of Business ResearchIssueApril/ MayVolume2Turkey and the United States: Entrepreneurship Activity, Motives, Aspirations, and Perceptions2012International Journal of Business and Social ScienceIssue3Volume3Relationships among Culture Dimensions, National Gross Domestic Product, and Environmental Sustainability2011Journal of Applied Business and EconomicsIssue6Volume12The Effect of Social Networks on the Egypt Revolution2011Electronic Commerce Research and Applications JournalIssue2011Volume10The Relationship between Governance Effectiveness and Entrepreneurship2011International Journal of Humanities and Social ServiceIssue2011Volume1(17)Using Current Events Articles to Facilitate Learning Human Resource Management2011Western Journal of Human Resource ManagementIssueWinterThe Relationship between Governance Effectiveness and Entrepreneurship2011International Journal Of Humanities and Social ScienceIssue17Volume1Social Motives as a Predictor for College Student Retention and Performance2011Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & PracticeIssue1Volume13Relationships among Cultural Dimensions, National Gross Domestic Product, and Environmental Sustainability2011National Business and Economic Society Conference ProceedingsUsing Current Events Articles to Facilitate Learning Human Resource Management2011Western Journal of Human Resource ManagementIssueWinter, 2009Relationships among World Governance Indicators and National per Capital Income Weighted by Environmental Sustainability2010Journal of Advances in BusinessIssue2010Volume1(2)Relationships among World Governance Indictors and National Gross Domestic Product Weighted by Environmental Sustainability2010BRC Journal of Advances in BusinessIssue2Volume1The prediction of college student academic performance and retention: application of expectancy and goal setting theories2010Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & PracticeIssue2009-2010Volume11(2)What MBA Recruiters Want2010Journal of Advances in BusinessIssue2010Volume1(1)What MBA Recruiters Want2010BRC Journal of Advances in BusinessIssue1Volume1Best Practices for the Implementation of Goal Setting and Peer Assessment: Curriculum and Research Design2009Journal of Applied Business & EconomicsIssue2009Volume10(4)Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room - Using the Enron Film to Examine Student Attitudes toward Business Ethics2009Journal of Behavioral and Applied ManagementIssue2Volume10Human Resource Management Role Implications for Corporate Reputation2009Corporate Reputation ReviewIssue2009Volume12(3)Is Publication of the Reputation Quotient (RQ) sufficient to move stock prices?2009Corporate Reputation ReviewIssue2009Volume11(4)The Team Boat Exercise: Enhancing Team Communication Mid-semester2009Business Communication QuarterlyIssue2009Volume72(2)Union Representative Impact on Employee Satisfaction2009Working USA: The Journal of Labor and SocietyIssue2009Volume12(2)Enron: The smartest guys in the room--using the Enron film to examine student attitudes towards business ethics2009Journal of Behavioral and Applied ManagementIssue2Volume10Globalization implications for human resource roles2009Employee Responsibilities and Rights JournalVolume19The prediction of college student academic performance and retention: application of application of expectancy and goal setting theories.2009Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & PracticeIssue2Volume11Correlates of Teachers' Percepitions on Support Received from Their Building Union Representatives2009Working USA/Wiley PeriodicalsIssue2Volume12Best practices for the implementation of goal setting and peer assessment: Curriculum and research design2009Proceedings of the National Business and Economics SocietyInternational attitudes towards business ethics: A three country comparative study2009Proceedings of the National Business and Economics SocietyBest Practices for the Implementation of Goal Setting and Peer Assessment:Curriculum and Research Design2009Journal of Applied Business and EconomicsIssue4Volume10The team boat exercise: Enhancing team communication mid-semester2009Business Communications QuarterlyIssue2Volume72Is publication of the reputation quotient (RQ) sufficient to move stock prices?2009Corporate Reputation ReviewIssue4Volume11An Expectancy Theory Motivation Approach to Peer Assessment2008Journal of Management EducationIssue2008Volume32(5)Predictors of Principals' Satisfaction with their Schools2008Journal of Educational AdministrationIssue2008Volume46(5)The Relationship Among Union Membership, Facets of Satisfaction and Intent to Leave: Further Evidence on the Voice Face of Unions2008Employee Responsibilities and Rights JournalIssue2008Volume20(1)What Makes Teachers Satisfied?2008School Business AffairsIssue2008Volume74(11)An expectancy theory motivation approach to peer assessment2008Journal of Management EducationIssue32Volume32Predictors of principals' satisfaction with their schools2008Journal of Educational AdministrationIssue5Volume46The relationship among union membership, facets of satisfaction and intent to leave2008Employee Responsibilities and Rights JournalIssue1Volume20Globalization Implications for Human Resource Roles2007Employee Responsibilities and Rights JournalIssue2007Volume19Predictors of Parent Satisfaction with their Children's School2007Journal of Educational AdministrationIssue2007Volume45(3)Relationship among union membership, facets of satisfaction and intent to leave: Further evidence on the voice face of unions"2007Labor and Employment Relations Association Refereed Competitive Paper SeriesWorkplace privacy: Employee relations and legal implications of monitoring employee e-mail use2007Employee Responsibilities and Rights JournalVolume19Workplace Privacy: Employee Relations and Legal Implications of Monitoring Employee E-Mail Use2007Employee Responsibilities and Rights JournalIssue2007Volume19Got positive corporate reputation? Human resource management role implications2007Association on Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP) ConferenceEnron: The smartest guys in the room--using the Enron film to examine student attitudes toward business ethics2007Proceedings of the Institute of Behavioral and Applied ManagementInternational attitudes towards business ethics: A comparative study and update2007Proceedings of the Institute of Behavioral and Applied ManagementPredictors of parent satisfaction with their children's school2007Journal of Educational AdministrationIssue3Volume45The impact of union membership on intent to leave: Additional Evidence on the voice face of unions2004Association on Employment Practices and PrinciplesFactors Related to Employees' Desire to Join and Leave Unions2006Industrial RelationsIssue2006Volume45(1)Parents' school satisfaction: Ethnic similarities and differences2006Journal of Educational AdministrationIssue5Volume44Parents' School Satisfaction: Ethnic Similarities and Differences2006Journal of Educational AdministrationIssue2006Volume44(5)Factors related to employees' desire to join and leave unions2006Industrial RelationsIssue1Volume45The impact of union membership on intent to leave: Additional evidence on the voice face of unions2005Employee Responsibilities and Rights JournalIssue4Volume17Employer recognition of same sex relationships in the United States: Legal and economic implications2005Employee Responsibilities and Rights JournalIssue4Volume17Demand more from the human resource function2005Association on Employment Practices and PrinciplesWorkplace privacy: Legal and employee relations implications of monitoring employee e-mail use2005Association on Employment Practices and PrinciplesBridging the "know-do" gap in business education2004Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management