Jinyang Zheng
Jinyang Zheng is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Information Systems at the University of Rochester's Simon Business School. His research focuses on AI, content platforms, online two-sided platforms, and digital resilience. Specifically, he explores how to leverage AI and IT artifacts to moderate and manage digital platforms and transform businesses, employing causal inference frameworks such as Rubin's and Pearl's, structural modeling, and unstructured data analysis. Dr. Zheng's research findings have been published in esteemed business journals such as Management Science, Information Systems Research, and MIS Quarterly. He has been recognized with the 2023 Gordon Davis Young Scholar Award by the INFORMS Information Systems Society, as well as multiple best paper awards or nominations at premier conferences, including ICIS, WISE, CIST, and CSWIM. He received his Ph.D. from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington and his B.S. in Statistics from Fudan University. Before joining Simon, he was an Assistant Professor of Management at Purdue University, where he was awarded the Jay Ross Young Faculty Award for his research productivity (ranked top 1 across all business and economics areas) and had consistently been listed as an outstanding/distinguished teacher for his developed courses on unstructured data analytics.
- Research Interests
AI for Business, Moderating Content Platforms, Managing Two-sided Platforms, and Digital Resilience
- Teaching Interests
Social Media Analytics, Unstructured Data Analytics, Machine and Deep Learning for Business, and Databases
- Publications
Does Help Help? An Empirical Analysis of Social Desirability Bias in Ratings2023Information Systems ResearchLet Artificial Intelligence Be Your Shelf Watchdog: The Impact of Intelligent Image Processing-Powered Shelf Monitoring on Product Sales2023MIS QuarterlyIssue47Volume3Value of Information Sharing via Ride-hailing Apps: An Empirical Analysis2022Information Systems ResearchIssue34Volume3Platform Refund Insurance or Being Cast Out: Quantifying the Signaling Effect of Refund Options in the Online Service Marketplace2022Information Systems ResearchIssue34Volume3More than the Quantity: The Value of Editorial Reviews for a User-Generated Content Platform2022Management ScienceIssue68Volume9Optimizing Two-sided Promotion for Transportation Network Companies: A Structural Model with Conditional Bayesian Learning2020Information Systems ResearchIssue31Volume3How Mega Is the Mega? Exploring the Spillover Effects of WeChat Using Graphical Model2020Information Systems ResearchIssue30Volume4