Apply for Free: MBA, PMBA, and MS Programs!
November 18, 2024 | Simon Admissions Team
Considering business school next year? This time of year can quickly fill up with work and social commitments, so we encourage you to cross one thing off your to-do list by submitting your application!

Better yet, if you’re considering a Full-Time MBA, a Full-Time MS, or a Professional MBA degree, you can apply for free until early December! Below are the details:
Full-Time MBA and MS:
Candidates applying to the Full-Time MBA or one of Simon’s Full-Time MS programs—including the new AI in Business—can apply for free by 11:59 p.m. ET on December 5. In addition, candidates applying by that date will receive an expedited admission decision by January 15. Review our application tips and the MBA and MS application checklists to get ready to apply!
Professional MBA:
Working professionals looking to begin the Simon PMBA in January 2025 can apply for free by 11:59 p.m. on December 1 and start off the New Year with an admission decision (by January 1). Review our application tips and application requirements to ensure you have everything you need to hit submit!
No matter which of the programs you’re targeting, applying now will waive your application fee and guarantee you an admission decision with time to finalize personal plans before beginning classes.
As always, never hesitate to reach out to the Admissions team with any questions you have. We look forward to reviewing your application soon!