Current Academic Calendar

Simon Business School - University of Rochester 2024–2025 as of July 25, 2024


July 22, MondayPre-Fall Term Begins
August 22, ThursdayPre-Fall Term Ends
August 26, MondayFall-A Term Begins 
September 2, MondayLabor Day Holiday
September 6, FridayLabor Day Make-Up Day
September 18-19, Weds-ThursMid-Fall Break
October 14, MondayMake-Up Day for Thursday 9/19
October 15, TuesdayMake-Up Day for Wednesday 9/18
October 16, WednesdayFall-A Reading Day
October 17, Thurs & 21-23, Mon-WedsFall-A Final Exams
October 24-27, Thurs-SunFall Break
October 28, MondayFall-B Term Begins
November 22, FridayMake-Up Day for Weds 11/27 (Day Classes)
November 25, MondaySplit Night Classes: Mon 11/25 & Weds 11/27
November 26, TuesdaySplit Night Classes: Tues 11/26 & Thurs 11/28
November 27-29, Weds-FriThanksgiving Break--No Classes
December 6, FridayMake-Up Day for Thurs 11/28 (Day Classes)
December 16-19, Mon-ThursFall-B Final Exams


January 13, MondaySpring-A Term Begins
January 20, MondayMLK Holiday--No Classes
January 24, FridayMake-Up Day for Monday 1/20
February 28, FridayEnd of Classes for Spring-A
March 3-6, Mon-ThursSpring-A Final Exams
March 7-16, Fri-SunSpring Break
March 17, MondaySpring-B Term Begins
May 2, FridayEnd of Classes for Spring-B
May 5-8, Mon-ThursSpring-B Final Exams
May 16, FridayUniversity Commencement
May 18, SundaySimon Graduation (tentative date)


May 19, MondaySummer Term Begins
May 26, MondayMemorial Day--No Classes
June 19, ThursdayJuneteenth Holiday--No Classes
June 23, MondayMake-Up Day for Thursday 6/19 (if needed)
July 3, ThursdayEnd of Classes for Summer
July 4, FridayIndependence Day--University closed
July 7-10, Mon-ThursSummer Term Final Exams

Course Numbering System

The following is the course numbering system: 

  • 400 - 499 Graduate Courses — Master’s level
  • 500 - 599 Graduate Courses — Doctoral level

Class Days Abbreviations

M — Monday
T — Tuesday
W — Wednesday
R — Thursday
F — Friday
S — Saturday
TBA — indicates that the class meeting time is to be arranged.


Meeting Times

The beginning and ending times of classes in the schedule are based on a 24-hour clock. The time for each class that meets after 12 noon can be determined by subtracting 1200 from the time indicated on the schedule. For example: 1300 is 1:00 p.m., 2100 is 9:00 p.m.

Room Abbreviations

CS — Carol Simon Hall
G — Gleason Hall
S — Schlegel Hall

Credit Hour Policy

Verification of enrollment for matriculated and non-matriculated Simon MBA and MS students are based on the following each semester. This policy is effective beginning Fall 2019.

  • Full time status will be students taking at least 10.5 credits per semester.
  • Part time status will be students taking 10 credits or less.
  • Half-time status will be students taking at least 6 credits. (Less than half-time status will be students taking less than 6 credits).

Simon Business School uses semester credit hours like the rest of the University.  
The credit-hour policy in effect prior to 2019 when Simon offered three 9-week quarters per year is available in this Credit Hour Policy document.

The current credit-hour policy is available at the Provost’s webpage on credit-hour compliance.

Dropping from a class

The following excludes Executive MBA and MSB Medical Management programs for which dates vary. See an advisor for the refund schedules for those programs).

Students with a flat-rate tuition:

Students voluntarily withdrawing (dropping) from a course(s) during a period of enrollment will not receive a refund.

Students charged on a per-credit-hour basis:

A tuition refund schedule applies to students voluntarily withdrawing (dropping) from a course(s) during a period of enrollment. This policy does not apply if you plan to decrease your credit load to 0 hours for the quarter, in which case, see Withdraw/Leave of Absence policy above.

Per Credit Refund Schedule 2024-2025


Fall A Term 2024

August 26 - September 2, 2024100% refund, no grade assigned
September 3 - September 8, 202475% refund, grade of W assigned
September 9 - September 15, 202450% refund, grade of W assigned
On or after September 16, 20240% refund, grade of W or WE assigned

Fall B Term 2024

October 28 - November 3, 2024100% refund, no grade assigned
November 4 - November 10, 202475% refund, grade of W assigned
November 11 - November 17, 202450% refund, grade of W assigned
On or after November 18, 20240% refund, grade of W or WE assigned

Spring A Term 2025

January 13 - January 20, 2025100% refund, no grade assigned
January 21 - January 26, 202575% refund, grade of W assigned
January 27 - February 2, 202550% refund, grade of W assigned
On or after February 3, 20250% refund, grade of W or WE assigned

Spring B Term 2025

March 17 - March 23, 2025100% refund, no grade assigned
March 24 - March 30, 202575% refund, grade of W assigned
March 30 - April 6, 202550% refund, grade of W assigned
On or after April 7, 20250% refund, grade of W or WE assigned

Summer Term 2025

May 19 - May 25, 2025100% refund, no grade assigned
May 26 - June 1, 202575% refund, grade of W assigned
June 2 - June 8, 202550% refund, grade of W assigned
On or after June 9, 20250% refund, grade of W or WE assigned

Final Exams










Exams are administered during pre-determined exam periods. Students should not make travel plans during these periods, as faculty are not obligated to offer midterm and final exams outside scheduled times.

In the event a faculty member chooses to allow an exam outside the scheduled time due to extenuating circumstances, the student must notify the Associate Dean for Faculty in writing with the request for a schedule change. The request must be approved by the Associate Dean in order for a change to occur.