2021 IT Teaching Workshop

The 2021 IT Teaching Workshop will take place on Zoom on Friday, May 28th, from 8:25am - 5:00pm.
Maryam Alavi, Dean, Georgia Tech
Teaching AI for Business
- Teaching AI for Business without Programming; Galit Shmueli, National Tsing Hua University
- AI Managers, Not Makers; Sam Ransbotham, Boston College (Strategies for AI and Cognitive Tools, Doing Good with Data)
- Two AI Cases: Amgen and Deepmap; Shane Greenstein, Harvard Business School
- Teaching Algorithmic Bias and Responsible AI; Anjana Susarla, Michigan State
- Two Decades of Teaching Data Mining; Olivia Sheng,University of Utah
- Teaching AI: Beyond Predictions; Maytal Saar-Tsechansky, UT Austin
Mingfeng Lin, Georgia Tech
Lunch Break
Business Analytics
- API-based Web Development; David Schuff and Jeremy Shafer, Temple University
- Analytics for All; Soumya Sen, University of Minnesota
- Developing Insightful Understanding of AI Systems; Avi Seidmann, Boston University
- XLKitLearn: scikit-learn in Excel; Daniel Guetta, Columbia University (XLKitlearn, XLKitlearn demos)
- Teaching ABCs to Business Students; Alok R. Chaturvedi, Purdue University
Sridhar Narasimhan, Georgia Tech
Digital Leadership and the Future of Education
- Teaching Digital Leadership; Vijay Gurbaxani, UC Irvine
- The Future of Education; Chris Dellarocas, Boston University
D. J. Wu, Georgia Tech