10th Anniversary FTG Conference

The 10th anniversary meeting of the Finance Theory Group (FTG) is proudly hosted by Simon School of Business at the University of Rochester. The meeting with start on Friday, September 27, 2019 at 3pm and end on Saturday, September 28, 2019 at 4pm. The group was founded by Itay Goldstein and Gustavo Manso in the fall of 2009 and it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 10th anniversary meeting, featuring a joint dinner and a panel on finance theory: past, present and future.
Registration and Refreshments
Recommendations with Feedback
Ganesh Iyer and Gustavo Manso
Credit Cycles with Market-Based Household Leverage
William Diamond and Tim Landvoigt
Transport to dinner venue (ARTISANworks)
Reception and Anniversary dinner
Bus pickup from Strathallan (bus leaves at this time)
Breakfast Atrium
A Dynamic Theory of Learning and Relationship Lending
Yunzhi Hu and Felipe Varas
Panel Discussion
“Finance Theory: Past, Present, and Future”
Lunch and member meeting
Rational Sentiments and Economic Cycles
Maryam Farboodi and Peter Kondor
Bank Competition, Bank Runs and Opacity
Toni Ahnert and David Martinez-Miera